Eleven Days In China - Day 6 Guangxi
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A karst mountain in YangShuo, GuangXi.
Moon Mountain
月亮山, YuèLiàng Shān
Karst mountains viewed from the Li River
More karst mountain views from the Li River
A lake where we stopped for lunch
A different view of the same lake.
Caves in the mountains of YangShuo, GuangXi.
Caves accented by coloured lights.
A huge cavern. Look for the stair’s handrails!
Yep, I’m getting bored too!
Mid-river entertainment on the Li River
This guy wouldn’t look at me to take his photo!
This guy uses the birds to catch his dinner
"Watch me pull a fish out of this bird."
A farm house next to the river
A Traditional tribal village for the tourists.
You can’t set fire to people’s homes